This morning is more bean deliveries. This afternoon is another bean delivery and a community meeting in El Recreo.
8 men (plus a driver) arrived in a truck arrived around 8 and began loading truck, carrying 3 of the 40 pound bags at a time. I wanted to take a picture of it…which is when I discovered that my camera battery was dead…and that I hadn’t packed the charger for it. Alisha and Nancy volunteered to take any pictures I wanted. I also checked with the other women to see if anyone had a charger that would work with my battery. They all had Canons and mine is a Sony. However, Kathy’s old camera was a Sony…she dug out the charger for it and I hoped for the best.
The truck left and we followed in the pickup.
We arrived in El Tablón Centro before the truck. Women were sewing school uniforms at the community center. Blanca and Cecilia reviewed the census list with the Directiva president while we waited for the truck to arrive.
In the clearing, all the men were sitting under the shade of tree on one side…all the women were in the shade of the buildings on the other. Blanca asked the women who were getting seed to move over to where the men were so that everyone could be addressed at the same time. The Directiva president used a bullhorn to talk to everyone. There was some prayer, some applause for the Team, and an explanation of how the process was going to work.
While all that was going on, people from the community wanted the Team and gringas to have some atol. It was really good…not as thick as what we had at the Casa but tasty.
On to Santa Rosa... This is a small community of 48 families. Oscar (Directiva president) really wanted us to have lunch at his house so we ate there instead of going back to the Casa for lunch. We had chicken, veggies in broth, tortillas and frog-egg fresco.
On our way back to the Casa, we had to detour around cemetery construction in Berlín and came at the Casa from a different direction. There was a place about 3 houses from the Casa that had a dog that looked a lot like Callisto. Alisha and I went back to find it but it had apparently gone inside.
Kathy’s old camera battery charger worked! I have a camera again.
On to El Recreo… everyone gathered at the church and they had a community meeting about the driver that takes people to/from El Recreo/Berlín. The Directiva wanted a vote and there was some discussion Mostly people wanted a posted and reliable schedule.
Then they did the bean giveaway, we had a meeting with the Directiva, walked through the museum and returned to the Casa.
We had pupusas for supper. I knit for a bit but was really tired and my feet and ankles are huge. I went to bed early.