It's a very small place with maybe a dozen tables and boothes. The outside is painted to look like a Swiss chalet with window boxes; the inside is kitsch galore. The whole place had one waitress...a brassy, fiesty little woman of indeterminate age, but probably the far end of middle age or early elderly. She had dyed hair, artful makeup, false eyelashes, short shorts (and the legs to carry that off), and a skinny cap-sleeve T. She reminded me of a New York version of Flo at Mel's Diner from the old "Alice" TV show.

After breakfast, we continued on to the laundromat and did our load of clothes so we could rewear them the second half of our trip. We folded and hauled it all back to Serendipity then loaded up for our Highway 1 adventure day.

We headed north on 1 at Bodega Bay, stopping for mochas at Roadhouse Coffee. Along the winding road, we stopped at a few beaches and overlooks, but spent most of our beach-walking time at Goat Rock Beach. We walked in the sand, Alan played tag with the surf, we stomped on seaweed bobbers to hear them pop, Alan skipped "dad stones" into the water, I picked up some cool rocks that had been smoothed by wave action and a couple crab shells. We saw a guy trying to fly a sled kite in too heavy wind with too little tail. At one spot, there was a sea lion haulout. There were a few hardy souls trying to surf but most people were bundled up against the wind. Most...there were those two women in bikinis walking hand-in-hand across the parking lot at Goat Rock but I can't imagine how they were freezing.

We talked about driving to the casino restaurant but decided the joy of staying within walking distance of downtown was walking. So we went window-shopping for a place.

We walked through the area without stopping anywhere and looped back to Serendipity and bed.