30 July 2008
Honeymoon Pictures
The wedding pictures are here:
29 July 2008
Heading Home
We stopped by the hotel to check out and give Marta a little something for her schooling as well as a tatted heart I made for her. We chatted for quite a while...I don't think any of the other guests had bothered to ask her about herself. She told us about her travel plans when she finishes at the hotel and before she heads back to Poland.
We headed back to Seredipity for the last time and had breakfast...cleaning out the fridge and cupboard. It was kind of an eclectic meal with cereal, leftover pizza/cioppino and Cherry Garcia ice cream.
We loaded up and headed toward the airport, retracing our path from Saturday by crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco. We returned the car and took the shuttle to the airport. We had to shuffle flights as something happened to our scheduled one. We ended up flying home through LA instead of Denver and getting home an hour later than originally planned.
When we got home we pretty much just fell into bed...it'd been a long day but an absolutely fabulous trip!
28 July 2008
Hotel tour - Petrified Forest - Geyser

Apparently, she's not the first intern they had...there was the one who was here before her that messed up our reservation. She must have arrived not long before we did.

We asked what our cottage should have rented for...$150. We paid $85.

Alan was intrigued by the blackjack. They're playing by rules he's never run across before and he spent giddy time calculating odds and bonuses according to their rules. California law says the house can't pay, so one player at the table has to be the bank. They bank for 2 hands ...paying wins and collecting losses...and then the banker role rotates. In addition to this, the house collects a fee from each player and provides special bonuses...for example, if you get three 7s in one hand, you win $777.

And then to Old Faithful geyser. It was kind of cheesy and tourist-trappy, what with the petting zoo and all but the geyser itself was cool. Once the spout petered out, we went into Callistoga and wandered around the downtown area for a while.
Back in Petaluma, we went to Risibisi for an Italian supper then spent some time packing in our cottage and went to bed.
27 July 2008
Wine tasting

26 July 2008
Guide Dog School - GGBr
So we drive across the Golden Gate Bridge (paying the $5 toll), across downtown SF, and get to the rental car lot. We hadn't gassed it up because it was down a quarter tank or so but we figured it didn't matter because we were just going to turn around and drive it again. However, the car place insisted that we had to "return" it with a full tank so we drove across the street to fill it then back, went through the whole check in process. Then the check out process just to drive away again. It was annoying.
But then it was over and we were on to the rest of our much-more pleasant day. We drove back through SF, across the GGBr again (no toll if you're leaving the city), to San Rafael where the Guide Dogs for the Blind school is.
I'd been listening to the Guide Dog Podcast on my iPod so I knew about the school. When I checked the website before our trip, I saw that they were having a graduation ceremony while we were going to be in the area...and that it's open to the public. This was the only event we had planned for our trip that would be scheduled. I wanted to see the ceremony.
Our plan was to find the school, confirm the start time of the graduation ceremony (we weren't sure if it was 1 or 1:30), then get something to eat and come back for the ceremony and a tour.
However, when we got there, the woman said there was a tour just starting and we could catch it so we decided to tour right then. It was a good tour. We were a group of about 10-12 people, including several people who had raised Guide Dog puppies and a family with a couple of grade-school age kids. We first toured the campus grounds. Our guide told us that they planned the landscaping to smell different in different parts of the campus to help the blind students orient themselves on the grounds. She also pointed out the dorms where the students stay but we didn't go inside those.
We did go into the kennels and training areas where we learned about the breeding program (how they determine which traits they want and select the dogs that will be bred), the whelping area (which we didn't enter as there were dogs with brand new puppies and dogs about to have puppies...but we could see them on a monitor), the kitchen where they prepare the meals for the various groups of dogs (lactating mothers, weaning puppies, weaned puppies, ill dogs, etc), the kennels with weaned puppies, the training court with agility type equipment, etc. It's quite the place.
The tour finished at 1...the graduation ceremony was set to start at 1:30. But we'd intended to eat long ago and were starving. We asked at the front dest for the closest place to eat and were directed to the food court of a mall just up the street. We grabbed some subs, wolfed them down and then headed back to the school.
By then, everybody and their brother was there for the ceremony too and we had a hard time finding a place to park but eventually did. We walked back to the center of campus where the ceremony had already started but wasn't much past the preliminaries.
The stage area was the patio in front of the dormitory. At the back of the stage were the 20-some students sitting in the shade of an arbor on folding chairs. The audience was on the grassy area in front of the stage, also mostly on folding chairs but a few permanent benches and some on blankets picnic-style. We found a spot in the shade.
Each student would walk to the front of the stage when it was his/her turn while the MC gave information about the student...name, hometown, whether this was their first dog, what they do, etc. Then the MC would talk about the dog they were getting as the dog was walked on stage from the left by the person(s) or family who raised it. The people who raised the dog (from weaned to about 18 months) would hand the dog's leash to the blind person. The blind person would take the microphone and talk a little about whatever they wanted. Some talked about how getting this dog was giving them back some independance and dignity, some told a story about an experience they had while they and the dog were training together, they pretty much all thanked people...the trainer they worked with, the family that raised the dog, people who sponsored them, etc.
Then the raisers would say something...sometimes about the temperament of the dog, a story about raising them, how hard it was to give them up after raising and loving them for a year and a half.
There were plenty of emotional moments on both sides of the story.
One blind woman told about how she'd had guide dogs for 25 years, traveled all over the world and had extensive experience working with guide dogs. But the dog she'd just be given had saved her life in a "traffic test" during training. The dog had stopped her from crossing a street when she insisted and actually backed her up.
She hadn't heard the silent electric car coming down the street but the dog had seen it.
There were one or two raisers who were too choked up to say much.
And the students had obviously bonded with each other over the 4-6 weeks in addition to their new dogs. There were a number 'inside jokes' and they all seemed very supportive of each other.
One young man commented during his talk that he'd been blind for "only 18 months" and the entire class said it in unison with him.
There was also a man that had struck up a conversation with Alan just after we finished our tour. He told Alan that his daughter was getting her first dog and they were all very excited. During the ceremony, when that man went up in front of the stage to take a picture of his daughter getting her dog, Alan pointed him out to me. The daughter was a young woman in her second or third year of college.
The students came from all over...2 from Canada, 1 from Kentucky, 1 from Illinois, 1 from Alaska, many from the western states. There were about 6 who were "retrains"...people who'd had dogs before and did a slightly shorter version of the training process. Some of "regular" students...students going through the full training program...had actually had a dog before but wanted the full training as reinforcer.
I have no pictures of any of this...I'd discovered that my camera was turning on in my purse and draining juice when I wasn't using it. I didn't have a charger for it because I always charge it on the docking cradle at home and a good charge usually lasts for more than a week trip.
After the ceremony, we found a Best Buy in San Rafael and I bought a battery charger for my camera batteries. I wanted one anyway, I just hadn't gotten around to getting one. That solved the problem of charging the batteries that evening, but didn't help for the rest of the day.We left San Rafael and headed back south. We decided we'd head to the Golden Gate Bridge (GGBr) and walk across it. When we got there, it was an absolutely gorgeous day...clear and sunny. From the Marin Headland you could see out to sea, the entire height and length of the GGBr, all of San Francisco, clear across the bay to the Oakland bridge, Sausalito, Alcatraz, Angel Island...it was phenomenal. I don't think I'd ever seen the bridge or city when it wasn't foggy, hazy or cloudy. Too bad my camera batteries died...the charger I bought came with 2 sets of batteries. One of them had enough juice for me to take 2 pictures...that's it. The only pictures I took all day.
Vista Point is a viewing staging area for getting to the pedestrian walk across the bridge but we couldn't figure out how to get there without going across the bridge (paying the toll) and coming back. We drove around a lot and finally gave up and asked someone working at a grocery store in Sausalito if there was a way to get to Vista Point without crossing the bridge. She said there's no way to drive there. But there's a parking lot across the highway from Vista Point that has a pedestrian crossing underneath that will take you right there.
We found the parking lot and the pedestrian crossing. It was pretty cool to see the bridge from the underside...all the struts and bracing and supports. If we'd managed to drive to Vista Point, we'd never have known this crossing was here and wouldn't have seen the underside.
At Vista Point we got on the bridge and started across. By that time it was getting late enough in the day that we decided not to walk the whole way...we stopped halfway, in the middle of the center swag. We got an up-close look at the 4' bundles of cable swags that hold up the bridge. The smaller, vertical cables (in groups of 4) are bigger around than I can grasp with one hand and have my thumb and finger touch...my hand is short by about an inch and a half.
We walked back to the car and then headed into Sausalito to look for supper.
Downtown was buzzing with activity on a lovely Saturday night. As we drove down the main street along the waterfront, I saw a guy building rock towers from the rip-rap on the shore. I don't know why...maybe to amuse tourists and solicit tips. I only got a quick look as we drove by but they looked amazing . They were towers of 7-8, large, odd-shaped...stacked one on top of one on top of one in what looked like a gravity-defying sort of display.
We ended up eating at Saylor Restaurant. It was a bit outside the downtown area where the crowd hadn't spread so we got right in. I finally had cioppino! Alan had grilled shrimp and scallops. Just about the time we were done and leaving, the musicians started playing...a vocalist and a instrument player or two playing soft jazz.
25 July 2008
Wharf Pass

The wax figures were kind of uneven. Some of them were really good and looked amazingly like the person depicted. Others were pretty bad. Some were obviously made from a painting or photo. Some were complete fabrications...who knows what Salome actually looked like?
24 July 2008
Laundry & Highway 1

It's a very small place with maybe a dozen tables and boothes. The outside is painted to look like a Swiss chalet with window boxes; the inside is kitsch galore. The whole place had one waitress...a brassy, fiesty little woman of indeterminate age, but probably the far end of middle age or early elderly. She had dyed hair, artful makeup, false eyelashes, short shorts (and the legs to carry that off), and a skinny cap-sleeve T. She reminded me of a New York version of Flo at Mel's Diner from the old "Alice" TV show.

After breakfast, we continued on to the laundromat and did our load of clothes so we could rewear them the second half of our trip. We folded and hauled it all back to Serendipity then loaded up for our Highway 1 adventure day.

We headed north on 1 at Bodega Bay, stopping for mochas at Roadhouse Coffee. Along the winding road, we stopped at a few beaches and overlooks, but spent most of our beach-walking time at Goat Rock Beach. We walked in the sand, Alan played tag with the surf, we stomped on seaweed bobbers to hear them pop, Alan skipped "dad stones" into the water, I picked up some cool rocks that had been smoothed by wave action and a couple crab shells. We saw a guy trying to fly a sled kite in too heavy wind with too little tail. At one spot, there was a sea lion haulout. There were a few hardy souls trying to surf but most people were bundled up against the wind. Most...there were those two women in bikinis walking hand-in-hand across the parking lot at Goat Rock but I can't imagine how they were freezing.

We talked about driving to the casino restaurant but decided the joy of staying within walking distance of downtown was walking. So we went window-shopping for a place.

We walked through the area without stopping anywhere and looped back to Serendipity and bed.
23 July 2008
Ferry ride & Fisherman's Wharf
Except today we woke up to sunshine! We had breakfast at "home" then headed for the Larkspur ferry terminal. We ran into a traffic jam around San Rafael or we'd have made the 10:10. As it was, we had to wait until the 11:10.

We got off and picked up MUNI transfers...that gave us free passes to anywhere on the MUNI system within 90 minutes and from anywhere back to the ferry terminal for 24 hours. We decided to walk out this time and leave open the option for MUNI back to the terminal. As we walked along the Embarcadero, we window-shopped for restaurants to have lunch at.
When we got to Pier 33, where the Alcatraz tours leave from, we checked into getting Alcatraz tikets. The next available tickets were a week away and we'd be back home by then.
We continued our walk toward Pier 39 and ended up lunching at a streetside vendor on hot dogs and clam chowder in a sourdough bowl.

We got off at the Chinatown stop and window-shopped (mostly) the markets. At one streetside market, I saw longans...a fruit I had in Bangkok a year ago and didn't think there was a chance I'd ever have them again. I was telling Alan about them and he wanted to try them so we bought a couple handfuls and ate them on the curb...spitting pits and skins into the bag. They're very easy to eat. The skins just pop off if you put your thumbnails together and pry. You pop the whole fruit (about the size of a big marble) into your mouth and separate the translucent fruit from the smooth, shiny pit with your teeth. Spit the pit and you're left with a very sweet, juicy flesh that tastes like...well, like fruit. It's really not much like any other fruit I can think of.
In another store, I found a box of jasmine tea bags...100 for $1 and a package of figs for $2. We looked for Ts for the boys but couldn't find the ones Alan wanted in the right sizes. By then, it was after 5 so we decided to stay in Chinatown for supper instead of heading back across the bay first. Just about then, someone handed us a coupon for free pot stickers and 20% off at a local restaurant so we decided to try that one. The food was pretty decent and we ended up with a couple of big prawns left so we boxed it up to take "home."
As we were leaving the restaurant, a British man was looking at the San Francisco maps on the on the wall of the lobby and trying to ask an employee where he could get one. The employee really didn't speak English and didn't understand what he was trying to say. As he was in the process of giving up. I started to tell him where he could get one, then decided that was just too complicated and gave him one I had in my purse. I knew I had another at Seredipity. He said his wife was going to be so happy with him. He gets to be her hero, I got to be his. Win-win.
We were only a handful of blocks from the ferry terminal so we decided to walk it instead of catching a cable car or MUNI bus. We got there just as the 7:10 ferry was leaving so we had to wait for the 8:10. While we were waiting, Alan called the boys. Meanwhile, a bird crapped on his jacket so we had to look for a restroom so he could wash it off. When we headed back out to the dock, our ferry was there so we boarded and headed back across the bay.
En route, we shared a podcast from my iPod...he had the left earbud and I had the right. The podcast is called Truth-Driven Thinking, hosted by Steve Gibson. The specific episode we listened to was an interview with Bishop John Shelby Spong that actually aired in April of 2006 about the mythological components of Christianity. The Bishop (retired) is the author of about 15 books on "progressive Christianity" with titles like The Sins of Scripture, Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, and Why Christianity Must Change or Die.
The Bishop's main point is that the Bible is not literal, historic truth but grew out of a culture of story. There are iconic or "mythic" images or symbols that repeat and are meant to illustrate, not meant to be a description of fact. For example, Moses was not the only person to part the Red Sea...it occurs several times at the hands of different people. The image of someone parting the sea so that the people can escape is iconic.
In any case, I'd heard the podcast before. As a recovered Fundamentalist, I thought Alan might appreciate it so I'd been saving it for him. We got about half-way through it on the ferry and had a great and fairly involved conversation on the way back to Petaluma. While we both generally liked and agreed with what the Bishop had to say, there was divergence in the end result. I'm not going to go into that whole discussion...you can Google the podcast and listen for yourself.
We opened up the house when we got home, adjusted our schedule for the next day then went to bed. I lotioned my forehead, which had gotten sunburned during the day. Apparently, when I put sunscreen on my face, I forgot that part. It didn't feel particularly toasted but it was a bit red.
22 July 2008
Redwoods & Castle

By the time we got through the trails with all the stops, the visitor center was open and the parking lot was full. We started to go up the (very steep) East Ridge Trail but it was lunchtime and hunger drove us back down and toward town for food.

We headed back to Petaluma where Alan napped while I read. After that, we walked downtown to window shop for a restaurant for supper. We ended up at a place having "tapino Tuesday"...which was basically tapas plates for $5 each and $5 glasses of wine. We had 3 plates and one glass...and could have done with only 2 plates. It was good stuff, though...salmon cake, 3 kinds of bruschetta, a little pizza with cool stuff like pesto and goat cheese on it. We checked out and walked a block or so closer to our cottage at a candy/gelatto store we'd been eyeing since hitting town. We got there just as they were closing and ate our gelatto on the way back to Serendipity.
We planned or next day then hit the hay.
21 July 2008
Point Reyes
We had leftover Thai food for breakfast since we couldn't really see when we'd actually be at the cottage for lunch and we had a lot of other restaurants to check out for suppers. Then we got in the car and headed to the post office to mail a postcard.
At the P.O. we were 1-cent short of the stamp price and the counter guys said, "Don't worry about it. Life's too short." This, for a postcard that Alan got for free at the Petaluma information desk because they were 3 for a dollar and he asked how much for only one so the woman behind the desk said, "Oh, just take it."

(View of the lighthouse from the top of the stairs)

It was an impressive site and well worth the drive and walk. By the time we'd hiked back up the stairs, it was past noon and we were starving.
(View of the lighthouse once you get below the clouds.)

(The oyster farm at Drake's Bay.)

We ended up having lunch at a place called Pricilla's in Inverness (still inside the park)...wonderful crab melt and salmon burger sandwiches on the patio.
We left the park and got back on Highway 1 headed north to Bodega Bay.
In Bodega Bay, we stopped at a kite-n-candy store for some salt-water taffy and a grocery store across the street for cold drinks and a bathroom. We consulted a map and decided that going any further north would require a lot more miles than we had daylight left so we headed back toward Petaluma.
On the way back to Seredipity, we stopped by our favorite Lucky store for another $1.99 bottle of wine. Alan took a nap and I started reading a Bones book I brought along.
I'd had "a Kathy Reichs book" on my reading list for a while and just happened to see one when I was at the store before leaving home so I decided that it was A Sign and I bought it. I've been a big fan of Bones, the TV series for a long time and when I found out the series was based on a series of books, I wanted to check them out.
This book was called Bones to Ashes. Other than the fact that the main character is a female forensic anthropologist, it doesn't really bear much resemblance to the TV show. It was a good mystery story, though.
Alan woke up from his nap and we decided we'd try Pinky's Pizza, just a block up the street. Their motto, emblazoned in neon in their front window, is "We don't have sissy boy, limp crust pizza." And they're right. The crust is delightfully chewy without being bready or doughy, slightly crispy on the bottom, and the sauce had a very nice kick to it.
Alan brought it home and we ate at the dining room table in front of the fireplace (no fire) while 'holding feet' under the table. (Hey, it's our honeymoon...we're allowed to be a little disgustingly mooshy.) After supper, we planned our Tuesday then went to bed.
20 July 2008
Petaluma exploration and unexpected trip to Sonoma
We had showers in the claw-foot bathtub then headed across the street to the cafe at the main hotel. There's no restaurant in the hotel but they provide coffee, tea and pastries in the morning in the lobby area of the hotel. We sorted through brochures and maps to decide what we'd do for the day.
We decided that today would be a good day to explore Petaluma on foot, get transit and tourist , etc information. We headed out and sort of followed signs to the transit mall in town where all the buses stop. We looked at schedules posted on the plexiglass windbreaks around the benches but didn't really see what we wanted to know.
There was a woman sitting on one of the benches with a carry-on size rolling suitcase. She (Victoria) was reading and waiting for a bus. We asked her about buses and schedules and she pulled a copy of the bus schedules from her purse and gave it to us and explained how to read it.
She said she wasn't sure if her bus was actually coming since it was a weekend. She mentioned trying to call some friends to pick her up but with the prevalance of cell phones these days, there are no pay phones to speak of any more and she'd lost her cell at another bus stop. She'd been so helpful that Alan gave his cell phone to call some friends. She called a couple of them and left messages along with Alan's number to call back in the next few minutes.
While we were chatting with her waiting to see if they'd call back soon, we found out she was trying to get to Sonoma, which was only abut 15 minutes from where we were. So we offered to give her a ride.
In the car on the way there, she made a list of things she thought we shouldn't miss on our trip. When we got to Sonoma, she directed us to the town square and we drove all around it while she gave us a little tour. Then we dropped her off at her house and we drove back to the square for lunch and tourist-ing...stopping at a streetside fruit market that she highly recommended to buy some nectarines and snacky things.
We drove around the square about 1 1/4 times before lucking into a free parking spot right on the square. We started walking around the square to look for a place to have lunch. We perused the posted menus of a few places then ended up at a sandwich shop (Sunflower something) and ate in their "garden" space behind the shop. It was a lovely spot to rest and eat...there was a fountain, arbors for shade, little tables and big booths, etc. Alan had a turkey and bacon on sourdough, I had a mango chutney glazed pork loin on foccacia. They were both superb.
After eating, we continued wandering around the square, peeking in shops, tasting cheeses and chocloates, taking in the historical displays and docent lectures, etc. wherever we ran across them.

We killed most of the rest of the afternoon around that square before heading back to Petaluma.
Alan shaved and read the paper while I looked through brochures, sorting and tossing and organizing.
We discovered that the back part of our "cottage" (we'd named it Serendipity by then) was another hotel space occupied by a guy who was living there for the month because his previous place had burned and he needed somewhere to be while the damage was repaired.
We learned this because he rang our doorbell to complain about his missing paper. It was sitting on our front walk and, not knowing there was another space in the place, Alan assumed it was a hotel perk. We apologized profusely and offered to gather it up for him or pay him for it. He declined, just asked that we not take any other papers. He also asked us to shut the AC fan off. As mentioned previously, there really wasn't any AC, we just had the fan on to move air around. He said the noise bothered him. We turned it off. With the windows open and some small fans, it was really pleasant enough.
We walked up the street about a block and a half to Le Bistro for another excellent meal and then started a walk toward downtown but it was a little too chilly to make that pleasant so we headed back to Serendipity for the night.
19 July 2008
San Francisco - Sausalito - Petaluma
We picked up the rental car, drove through San Francisco, across the Golden Gate Bridge and into the picturesque town of Sausalito. We found a restaurant (Anchorage 5) that was tucked back in a marina area...one of the joys of getting "lost"...that had fabulous food. Al had a crab melt and I had a sauteed prawn dish that had mushrooms and garlic with sides of black beans, spanish rice and guacamole. Yum!

During the walk, we passed a visitor center so we stopped and picked up some literature and brochures. I added it to the stash of stuff I picked up in the airport. We didn't plan a whole lot of activities prior to the trip. We intended to play it mostly by ear and now we were armed with the info to do it.

It turns out that the person who booked our reservation (a previous intern) messed up the booking and put us in this place but quoted us the price of the one room cabin thing. Sweet!
The AC didn't work (actually, it would be more correct to say there was no AC) and the house was a bit hot and stuffy, which concerned us, but since there were no other rooms available in town, we decided we'd stay there the night and re-evaluate in the morning. (As it turned out, once we opened the windows, it was less stuffy and it got so cool at night that it was lovely sleeping weather and we decided we didn't need AC after all.)
We drove around the historic downtown area, looking for a grocery store. We found one and bought some milk, cereal, fruit, chapstick (which I'd forgotten to pack...or did, but couldn't find) and a couple bottles of $2 wine (entirely drinkable).
We returned "home" and put away the groceries then set out on foot to find some supper. We stopped at SEA (a Thai restaurant) that was just a couple doors up the street from the main hotel and ate way, way too much Thai food. At that, we still took enough home for a whole other meal. Once we stowed the food, we walked the few blocks to downtown, just to see what was there, then turned in for the night.